Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

Find places information of name and zipcode in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania,Allegheny ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Allegheny, PA
Places number 136
FIPS 42003
Belong to Pennsylvania

Streets in Allegheny

Places in Allegheny

Name Zip Code County
Clairton 15025 Allegheny
Kilbuck 15233 Allegheny
Tarentum 15084 Allegheny
Rennerdale 15106 Allegheny
Wilkinsburg 15221 Allegheny
Arsenal 15201 Allegheny
Oakdale 15071 Allegheny
Bradfordwoods 15015 Allegheny
Indianola 15051 Allegheny
Castle Shannon 15234 Allegheny
Warrendale 15086 Allegheny
South Hills Village 15241 Allegheny
Bakerstown 15007 Allegheny
Cheswick 15024 Allegheny
West Elizabeth 15088 Allegheny
West Homestead 15120 Allegheny
Penn Hills 15235 Allegheny
North Versailles 15137 Allegheny
Bellevue 15202 Allegheny
Glenwillard 15046 Allegheny

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Allegheny is a county in Pennsylvania of United States. Its IGN code is PA003, its FIPS code is 42003, It has about 136 places here.

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