Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Find places information of name and zipcode in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania,Montgomery ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Montgomery, PA
Places number 145
FIPS 42091
Belong to Pennsylvania

Streets in Montgomery

Places in Montgomery

Name Zip Code County
Indian Valley 18969 Montgomery
Plymouth Valley 19462 Montgomery
Fairview Village 19409 Montgomery
Telford 18964 18969 Montgomery
Lafayette Hill 19444 Montgomery
Oreland 19075 Montgomery
Hatboro 19040 Montgomery
Red Hill 18073 18076 Montgomery
Willow Grove 19090 Montgomery
Belmont Hills 19004 Montgomery
Lower Gwynedd 19002 Montgomery
Eagleville 19403 19408 Montgomery
Montgomery 19454 Montgomery
Abington 19001 Montgomery
Gwynedd 19436 19454 Montgomery
Lower Salford 19438 Montgomery
Bethayres 19006 Montgomery
Wynnewood 19096 Montgomery
Pennsburg 18073 Montgomery
Merion 19066 Montgomery

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Montgomery is a county in Pennsylvania of United States. Its IGN code is PA091, its FIPS code is 42091, It has about 145 places here.

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