Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Find places information of name and zipcode in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania,Montgomery ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Montgomery, PA
Places number 145
FIPS 42091
Belong to Pennsylvania

Streets in Montgomery

Places in Montgomery

Name Zip Code County
Cynwyd 19004 Montgomery
King of Prussia 19406 Montgomery
Phoenixville 19453 Montgomery
Sassamansville 19472 Montgomery
Trooper 19403 Montgomery
Schwenksville 19473 Montgomery
Wyndmoor 19038 Montgomery
Rydal 19046 Montgomery
Valley Forge 19484 Montgomery
Erdenheim 19038 Montgomery
Montgomeryville 18936 Montgomery
Broad Axe 19002 Montgomery
Penn Wynne 19096 Montgomery
Penllyn 19422 Montgomery
Rahns 19426 Montgomery
North Wales 19436 19454 19477 Montgomery
Skippack 19474 Montgomery
Mont Clare 19453 Montgomery
Flourtown 19031 Montgomery
Palm 18070 Montgomery

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Montgomery is a county in Pennsylvania of United States. Its IGN code is PA091, its FIPS code is 42091, It has about 145 places here.

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