Itasca County, Minnesota

Find places information of name and zipcode in Itasca county, Minnesota,Itasca ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Itasca, MN
Places number 47
FIPS 27061
Belong to Minnesota

Streets in Itasca

Places in Itasca

Name Zip Code County
Greenway 55764 Itasca
Inger 56636 Itasca
Grand Rapids 55744 Itasca
Coleraine 55722 Itasca
Jacobson 55752 Itasca
Stokes 56628 Itasca
Marble 55764 Itasca
Deer River 56636 Itasca
Wirt 56688 Itasca
Cooley 55769 Itasca
Warba 55793 Itasca
Zemple 56636 Itasca
Good Hope 56681 Itasca
Lone Pine 55769 Itasca
Taconite 55786 Itasca
Nashwauk 55769 Itasca
Calumet 55716 Itasca
Swan River 55784 Itasca
Marcell 56657 Itasca
Oslund 56680 Itasca

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Itasca is a county in Minnesota of United States. Its IGN code is MN061, its FIPS code is 27061, It has about 47 places here.

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