Jefferson County, Louisiana

Find places information of name and zipcode in Jefferson county, Louisiana,Jefferson ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Jefferson, LA
Places number 27
FIPS 22051
Belong to Louisiana

Streets in Jefferson

Places in Jefferson

Name Zip Code County
Kenner 70062 70063 70065 Jefferson
Grand Isle 70358 Jefferson
Lafitte 70067 Jefferson
Avondale 70094 Jefferson
Barataria 70036 Jefferson
New Orleans 70121 70123 Jefferson
South Kenner 70094 Jefferson
Elmwood 70123 Jefferson
Metairie 70001 70002 70003 70005 70006 Jefferson
Jefferson 70121 Jefferson
Gretna 70053 70056 Jefferson
Shrewsbury 70121 Jefferson
Waggaman 70094 Jefferson
Jean Lafitte 70067 Jefferson
Marrero 70072 70073 Jefferson
Harahan 70123 Jefferson
Harvey 70058 Jefferson
Beachview 70062 Jefferson
Bridge 70094 Jefferson
9 Mile Point 70094 Jefferson
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Jefferson is a county in Louisiana of United States. Its IGN code is LA051, its FIPS code is 22051, It has about 27 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.