LaSalle County, Illinois

Find places information of name and zipcode in LaSalle county, Illinois,LaSalle ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for LaSalle, IL
Places number 58
FIPS 17099
Belong to Illinois

Streets in LaSalle

Places in LaSalle

Name Zip Code County
Serena 60549 LaSalle
Mount Palatine 61334 LaSalle
Cedar Point 61316 LaSalle
Leland 60531 LaSalle
Earlville 60518 LaSalle
Sheridan 60551 LaSalle
Streator 61364 LaSalle
Ottawa 61350 LaSalle
North Ottawa 61350 LaSalle
Prairie 61350 LaSalle
Naplate 61350 LaSalle
Oglesby 61348 LaSalle
Jonesville 61348 LaSalle
Tonica 61370 LaSalle
Kernan 61364 LaSalle
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LaSalle is a county in Illinois of United States. Its IGN code is IL099, its FIPS code is 17099, It has about 58 places here.

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