Letcher County, Kentucky

Find places information of name and zipcode in Letcher county, Kentucky,Letcher ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Letcher, KY
Places number 49
FIPS 21133
Belong to Kentucky

Streets in Letcher

Places in Letcher

Name Zip Code County
Jeremiah 41826 Letcher
Fleming 41840 Letcher
Thornton 41855 Letcher
Gordon 41819 Letcher
Blackey 41804 Letcher
Mayking 41837 Letcher
Lionilli 41537 Letcher
Dunham 41537 Letcher
Premium 41845 Letcher
East Jenkins 41537 Letcher
McRoberts 41835 Letcher
Fleming Neon 41840 Letcher
Crown 41858 Letcher
Democrat 41858 Letcher
Hall 41840 Letcher
Gilly 41819 Letcher
Roxana 41848 Letcher
Letcher 41832 Letcher
Van 41858 Letcher
Kings Creek 41858 Letcher

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Letcher is a county in Kentucky of United States. Its IGN code is KY133, its FIPS code is 21133, It has about 49 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.