Litchfield County, Connecticut

Find places information of name and zipcode in Litchfield county, Connecticut,Litchfield ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Litchfield, CT
Places number 60
FIPS 09005
Belong to Connecticut

Streets in Litchfield

Places in Litchfield

Name Zip Code County
New Milford 06776 Litchfield
Bantam 06750 Litchfield
Northfield 06778 Litchfield
Winchester Center 06094 Litchfield
Oakville 06779 06795 Litchfield
Winsted 06063 06098 Litchfield
Kent 06757 Litchfield
Bakersville 06057 Litchfield
Cornwall 06753 Litchfield
Watertown 06779 06795 Litchfield
South Kent 06785 Litchfield
Canaan 06018 Litchfield
New Preston Marble Dale 06777 Litchfield
New Hartford 06057 Litchfield
Goshen 06756 Litchfield
Lakeville 06039 Litchfield
Sharon Valley 06069 Litchfield
North Canaan 06018 Litchfield
Litchfield 06759 Litchfield
Sharon 06069 Litchfield

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Litchfield is a county in Connecticut of United States. Its IGN code is CT005, its FIPS code is 09005, It has about 60 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.