North Slope County, Alaska

Find places information of name and zipcode in North Slope county, Alaska,North Slope ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for North Slope, AK
Places number 13
FIPS 02185
Belong to Alaska

Streets in North Slope

Places in North Slope

Name Zip Code County
Point Lay 99759 North Slope
Kaktovik 99747 North Slope
Anaktuvuk 99721 North Slope
Anaktuvuk Pass 99721 North Slope
Wainwright 99782 North Slope
Point Hope 99766 North Slope
Atqasuk 99791 North Slope
Barrow 99723 99759 99789 99791 North Slope
Prudhoe Bay 99734 North Slope
Nuiqsut 99789 North Slope
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North Slope is a county in Alaska of United States. Its IGN code is AK185, its FIPS code is 02185, It has about 13 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.