Oxford County, Maine

Find places information of name and zipcode in Oxford county, Maine,Oxford ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Oxford, ME
Places number 52
FIPS 23017
Belong to Maine

Streets in Oxford

Places in Oxford

Name Zip Code County
Carthage 04224 Oxford
Oxford 04270 Oxford
Rumford Point 04276 Oxford
Hiram 04041 Oxford
North Waterford 04267 Oxford
Center Lovell 04016 Oxford
Mason 04217 Oxford
Greenwood 04255 Oxford
Dixfield 04224 Oxford
Newry 04261 Oxford
Stow 04037 Oxford
North Fryeburg 04037 Oxford
East Andover 04226 Oxford
Frye 04275 Oxford
Brownfield 04010 Oxford
Milton 04219 Oxford
West Paris 04289 Oxford
Sumner 04292 Oxford
Hartford 04220 Oxford
Buckfield 04220 Oxford
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Oxford is a county in Maine of United States. Its IGN code is ME017, its FIPS code is 23017, It has about 52 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.