Saint Landry County, Louisiana

Find places information of name and zipcode in Saint Landry county, Louisiana,Saint Landry ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Saint Landry, LA
Places number 26
FIPS 22097
Belong to Louisiana

Streets in Saint Landry

Places in Saint Landry

Name Zip Code County
Sunset 70584 Saint Landry
Leonville 70551 Saint Landry
Eunice 70535 Saint Landry
Le Moyen 71356 Saint Landry
Melville 71353 Saint Landry
Washington 70589 Saint Landry
Port Barre 70577 Saint Landry
Lawtell 70550 Saint Landry
Woodside 71353 Saint Landry
Opelousas 70570 70571 Saint Landry
Morrow 71356 Saint Landry
Cankton 70584 Saint Landry
Rosa 71345 Saint Landry
Lebeau 71345 Saint Landry
Goodwood 71353 Saint Landry
Bayou Rouge 71353 Saint Landry
Palmetto 71358 Saint Landry
Bayou Petite Prairie 71345 Saint Landry
Bayou Current 71353 Saint Landry
Arnaudville 70512 Saint Landry
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Saint Landry is a county in Louisiana of United States. Its IGN code is LA097, its FIPS code is 22097, It has about 26 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.