Livermore, California

Below is the information of Livermore, CA,Livermore ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Livermore, CA
Streets 1573
Name Livermore
Zip Code 94550 94551
County Alameda
State California

Streets in Livermore

Name Zip Code Place
Swan Place, Alameda, CA 94551 Livermore
Windsor Place, Alameda, CA 94550 Livermore
Mcleod Street, Alameda, CA 94550 Livermore
North Vasco Road, Alameda, CA 94551 Livermore
Windswept Common, Alameda, CA 94550 Livermore
Sunridge Drive, Alameda, CA 94551 Livermore
Batavia Avenue, Alameda, CA 94550 Livermore
Morgan Territory Road, Alameda, CA 94551 Livermore
Quince Court, Alameda, CA 94551 Livermore
Notre Dame Court, Alameda, CA 94550 Livermore
Terminal Circle, Alameda, CA 94551 Livermore
Tamalpais Avenue, Alameda, CA 94551 Livermore
De Paul Way, Alameda, CA 94550 Livermore
Charmont Court, Alameda, CA 94550 Livermore
Abalone Place, Alameda, CA 94550 Livermore
Alnwick Avenue, Alameda, CA 94551 Livermore
Cornell Way, Alameda, CA 94550 Livermore
Jackson Avenue, Alameda, CA 94550 Livermore
Rutan Drive, Alameda, CA 94551 Livermore
Vineyard Avenue, Alameda, CA 94550 Livermore
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General Information for Alameda
Name Alameda
FIPS 06001
General Information for California
Name California

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Livermore is a place in Alameda California of United States. Its zip code is 94550 94551, it has about 1573 streets here.

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